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Lump in Throat Treatment – Information and Cure Alternatives
Lump in throat cure is a physical sensation which is actually psychological in nature. Therefore most doctors recommend that the treatment should lay stress on removing the primary psychological factors before medication is administered.
Before discussing the lump in throat cure it is essential to understand the basis of this medical condition.
#Impulsive situations that lead to uncontrollable stress and anxiety give way to the physical sensation of a lump in throat. The constriction of glottis due to the development of muscle tension as a result of mental shock, stress and anxiety leads to such a feeling.
#The glottis muscle may also tighten up to prevent stomach acid from reaching the mouth or larynx, due to stomach conditions like acid reflux.
#Facing frightful or stressful situations may trigger the process of acid reflux and hence causes lump in throat.
#Physical lump in throat problems can be caused by mucosal lesion or ulcer formations. Medicines are the only method of treatment for such conditions.
#Formation of masses or lumps such as granulomas, cysts, cancer, etc, can also cause this sensation.
The following are certain common symptoms of the lump in throat sensation:
* Feels like a ball is stuck in the throat.
* The symptoms are similar to the feeling of getting suffocated at a funeral or sad situation.
* Feels like you are being strangled.
* The throat may feel swollen.
* The lump comes and goes depending on particular situations.
* Symptoms are usually worse during a specific part of the day.
* The symptoms occur and aggravate in stress situations.
* Easy to swallow food while it becomes difficult to swallow Saliva.
* The sensation goes away when you are relaxed or unstressed.
Lump in Throat Cure
Lump in throat cure can be accomplished in two stages:
Counseling and Therapy
* As discussed earlier lump in throat cure involves a psychological aspect, which means this disorder should be treated by curing any underlying condition that maybe causing it. Lump in throat feeling is not a serious health problem but a temporary disorder.
* Various relaxation techniques are taught to the patient so that he is able to keep his stress and anxiety under control thereby controlling the occurrence of the lump in throat sensation.
* Therapy is provided if the condition is causing breathing troubles.
* If the lump sensation is causing pain while swallowing or preventing you from swallowing, then you should seek the doctors advice.
* Other effects include unexplainably reduced appetite and weight loss.
* Constant sensation of the lump may attract the necessity of a therapy.
Drugs and Healing
If the lump in throat sensation is getting worse each day, then you should waste no time and see the doctor immediately.
Strengthening of the lump in throat sensation suggests the commencement of treatment by a doctor without delay.
It is time to see a doctor and begin the course of treatment when the lump in throat sensation worsens day after day.
* Medication is the answer for suppressing severe psychological condition and also for the presence of a physical lump.
* Antidepressants are a class of medicines recommended by physicians to correct the psychological disorder which are chosen according to the patients condition. The mode of action of these is through the raised level of serotonin in the brain that checks the stress level.
* Lump in throat treatments are also done by administering Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) which help to improve the serotonin imbalance found in depressed and stressed people.
* Other drugs are also used based on the symptoms and their severity.
More than medications doctors emphasize in treating the disorder at the psychological level as a strategy for lump in throat cure. The primary psychological factors can be removed by counseling and therapy.
Don’t ignore the little sense of lump in throat, seek help for
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as early as possible, it will be very difficult in
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Lump in Throat Treatment – Information and Cure Alternatives}